Sunday, April 25, 2010

What not to wear…

It’s the truth: girls usually take hours to get ready for a date. Fussing over make-up, styling hair, spritzing perfume in all the right places, and picking out a suitable (yet sexy) outfit (with shoes, accessories, and bag to match)….it’s a process! While I tend to be a minimalist, first impressions matter! And so, I do my darnedest to be appropriately dressed for the date—whether it be a hike or a fancy dinner.

When I got to the Indian restaurant we had agreed upon, I was taken aback by his attire. It was a casual place, in a casual town—so I wasn’t surprised by the jeans and hoodie he was wearing (though I was noticeably more dressed up). From the very beginning, however, the image on the sweatshirt caught my eye: two bears in an amorous embrace (to put it politely).

Despite efforts to maintain eye contact, my field of view continued to drift downward, trying to understand the meaning of the shirt. Perhaps his intention was to “break the ice,” so to speak (were the bears balanced on a sheet of ice?)—but we never actually discussed the image.

By the end of the date, I came to the conclusion that apparel embossed with pornographic bears is not my idea of fitting first date attire. I’m sure he’ll find his soul mate out there—and maybe she’ll be dressed to the nines with humping penguins all over!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dating my friends

I've been a little disenchanted with the whole dating project lately. It's really hard to go through a divorce (even when it's in your head). And it is especially upsetting when you're super excited about the other person and they seem to be equally as excited about you...until it all comes to a screeching halt for no apparent reason.

Anyway, to remedy my need for date nights, with no sign of a prospect of the opposite sex, I've decided to "date my friends." I haven't spend nearly enough time with my girlfriends since starting this nursing program and it's been fun to catch up!

Instead of cooking up a storm for some guy that probably wouldn't appreciate it nearly enough, I invited a friend to experiment with barbecuing pizza. She is a master chef so she was the perfect choice for such an adventurous meal. Although the BBQ wasn't hot enough to actually bake the pizza we brainstormed about solutions, caught up on our busy lives and I got to hear her engagement story (which gave me a renewed sense of hope!). There's something really special about spending time with someone that you feel like really gets you and it was so nice to not have to go through the whole first date conversation for a change! (You know the drill, "where are you from?" How many siblings do you have?" "What's your favorite color?" etc.)

And to fulfill an urge to be fancy, another friend took me to the symphony! ($10 tickets for students!!) We sat in fancy box seats, dressed to the nines and ate decadent desserts afterward. I was pretty much the worst date ever (note to self: don't go on a real date to the symphony): I completely fell asleep and when she turned to me to comment on the concerto I did a full head bob! Isn't that considered a complement in symphony-land...the music was so soothing I fell asleep!

All I have to say is my future dates have some serious competition because my friends are pretty awesome. Thanks ladies!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fifty, nifty exciting dates...

I reached a pretty significant milestone—halfway through this little dating challenge! Though you wouldn’t be able to tell from the infrequency of my blog posts (oh school…), I have passed the 50 date mark!

And so, of late, I’ve been asked on many occasions: “how is it?”

After 50 dates, I’ve done so many amazing things! I’ve traveled the world through restaurants: Japanese, Ethiopian, Indian, Italian, and everywhere in between! Traipsing through museums, aquariums, and participating in trivia nights have allowed me to expand my mind. I’ve gone on numerous adventures, including rock climbing, hiking, and skiing. Movies, plays, and roller derby have offered quality entertainment. And throughout, I’ve met some really amazing people!

It’s seems like an oxymoron, but despite the overabundance of social activities in my (already busy) life, dating feels…lonely. The problem is, every first date involves the same conversation: “How many brothers and sisters do you have? Where did you grow up? What do you do, day-to-day, in your job?.....” And by the second or third date, I’ve usually decided that I’m not really into the person. The connection rarely feels authentic or sincere.

At the end of a long, hard day in the hospital, when all I want to do is snuggle up to a movie or talk about my day, no one is there. While many of the guys I have dated are willing to vent about their lives on the first date, I’m a little more reserved. I need to feel a real level of trust and understanding.

And so, increasingly, I find myself craving a “real” relationship.


I hadn’t been to an aquarium in years. When he mentioned that he was interested in going, I was thrilled! And so, we set a date.

After the initial introduction and a quick bite to eat, we headed into the looming building. The first room was the one I remembered from childhood—the petting tank!
Me: “Have you ever pet anemone?”
Him: “Uhhh….no.”
Me: “Oh it was so cool to do when I was SCUBA diving in Africa…they’re so soft ….you have to do it! You just go like this…”
And so, I reached into the tank to pet my long-lost marine friends. Immediately after bending over the 3 foot wall, I heard a splash. When I looked down, I saw my cell phone gracefully tumbling down to the bottom of the tank, resembling an awkward, new species of fish.

As the bubbles floated to the surface, I began frantically asking my date to reach in (he was over 6 feet tall, after all). After some hesitation, he rolled up his shirt sleeves and retrieved the rare "fish" which didn’t belong in this habitat. Alas, it was too late. Despite some attempts at drying the phone out, it was done for.

My date was forlorn! He apologized every couple minutes despite my reassurances that it was not a big deal and that I needed a new phone anyway. And really, this was true. Additionally, I couldn't stop laughing about it...I knew it'd make a funny date story! He didn't find it quite as amusing!

We left the aquarium after doing a quick sweep through—but it wasn’t as exciting as it probably could have been, had the phone incident not occurred. The mood had changed drastically.

After the date, I contacted him to thank him and to let him know that the phone issue had been resolved. But, like the phone, that was the end.