Monday, January 31, 2011

A little lesson in open communication

Months ago I received an e-mail from school asking if I would like to sign up for free tickets to the upcoming Picasso exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. What kind of question is that?! Of course I want free tickets (to almost anything). I signed up for two tickets, wrote it in my calendar and between long days of clinical and just plain old long days, completely forgot about it.

Soon it was time for a date night and SG#1 planned a surprise. I wrote the date in my calendar and noticed it fell on the same night as the free tickets I had reserved. “Oh well,” I thought,” I’ll just give the tickets to someone else and go on my merry way with my surprise date!”

The rainy Tuesday rolled around and I raced home from school to change into something date-like and hopped in the car with SG#1. We had a quick bite at Japonessa and, in true SG#1 style, he waited until the food came to spring the surprise on me. Little did I know, SG#1, even during the busiest of days at work, had reserved (and paid in full) two tickets to the very same exhibit, the very same night, for our surprise date.

Erg. (Uneasy squiggly line face.)

I felt bad. And I think he saw it in my face.

“What is it, you don’t want to go? Bad sushi?”

“No, it’s just that I had free tickets to the Picasso exhibit and I canceled them for the surprise date. Sorry!”

Not that there was anything we could do about it then, but I guess as much fun as surprises are, there’s always room for a little thought and a little communication. Our lives get so busy it’s easy to get caught up in the rush and forget to slow down and talk. Oops.

The exhibit was fun regardless. Firsts are always interesting with someone you’re dating. You know, first kisses, first cooking fiascos, first trips, and first museum visits. Although I may seem like a thoughtful, artsy fartsy from the outside, and I like to enjoy a good exhibit as much as the next girl on a surprise date, give me an elbow-to-elbow crowded exhibit hall and I can get through that maze of oil paintings, aluminum sculptures and hand drawn scratch notes quicker than you can say Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (Pablo’s real name, no joke!). And it was like a breath of fresh air after a sweaty museum hall to find out SG#1 has a similar art-viewing style.